Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 41~You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile...

Hey everyone! This week was kind of a doozey, but great!

So we have been visiting Andreia, an ex-investigator who went to rehabilitation because of drinking, and we taught her the Restoration this week. The other sisters already taught her the lesson so she remembered about Joseph Smith and basically everything. At the end I was thinking of what to say next when Andreia said ´´I think Jesus is going to return soon.´´ That was a little surprising. So I asked her how she was going to prepare for his return. And she said stop smoking, go to church, and be baptized! What?! So we told her we wanted to help her by making a goal of April 2 as the day of her and her daughter´s baptism. She accepted and told Beatrice to put it on the calendar! That was just one miracle for this week.

So around comes Sunday and we had Stake Conference this week which is basically the worst for a mission to try and bring investigators. But we were able to have a member take Andreia and Beatrice to the stake center and we had to take a bus there. So we get there and it turns out Andreia and Beatrice decided to leave to go buy a cellphone and get something to eat. So you can imagine here I am freaking out because we lost our investigators and we called them many times and each time they said they were coming but never arrived. In the end, we went back to the stake center and I was really sad because I didn´t even know where they were. But after the meeting, we found them sitting in the big chapel (because we were in a small room). So after everything was said and done, everything worked out. What. A. Blessing.

Also yesterday we took the wrong bus back to our area and ended up in another mission. Let´s just say, that we finally made it back and wow I don´t ever want to take another bus again. 

I just want to say how thankful I am for the gospel. Our mission is studying Doctrine and Covenants until April and I read a scripture this week that said ´´the thing that will be of the most worth to you will be to delcare repentance unto this people.´´ which made me think of the importance of our calling as a missionary. This time is one of a kind!

Thanks for all the support, until next week!
Sister Lockhart