Haha, my companion is trying to learn English because after she finishes her mission she's going to get married and finish school in Fortaleza and head to BYU. She knows how to gitter done. Lol.
Anyway, this week we had fabulous Multi-Zone conference, which is when missionaries from different areas of the mission gather and receive training from the Mission President and his wife and other experienced missionaries. The training was very good and I'll try to summarize it briefly.
Sister Del Guerso based her training off a talk by President Russell M. Nelson that he gave during the New Mission President Conferance Meeting Thing while I was at the MTC. President Nelson talked about how we are letters sent from the Lord to the people we are serving, except that our letters aren't written in ink, but they are engraven on our hearts. Afterwards we wrote letters to ourselves about how much we've grown on the mission. Chique, né?
Presidente Del Guerso based his training off another talk given at that seminar that talks about repentance. Elder Oaks and Elder Anderson talk about the importance of getting our investigators to understand the importance of repentance. Because many times as missionaries we just focus on baptism, but once our investigators understand the importance of repentance, they'll understand why they need to be baptized. Overall, very good training. And for the first time during a meeting, Presidente Del Guerso didn't ask me to do some kind of role play! I have a true testimony of miracles.
As for our investigators, we don't have anybody progessing now, which is kind of discouraging. But my companion told me that President Del Guerso told her that if your only convert on the mission is yourself, then your mission was successful. And that's true. But I'm not content with that, we will have miracles!
I love you all! THank you for all of your support and have a fantastic week!
Sister Lockhart