Dear family and friends,
This week I had my last newbie training! Yay! And this time we didn't get lost! As of today I am officially no longer a ´´newbie´´. Almost 6 months on the mission and I'm finally done with the training program for new missionaries (you start over the training once you get to Brasil), so that's nice. We played jeopardy for the training and all I can say is thank you BYU for your religion classes. Also I've gone from being called Taylor Swift to being called Nerd, which makes more sense to me.
This week we had some major thunderstorms and the power went out 3 times this week, which is fun because we get to light candles, but also not fun because cold showers just aren't that fun. The weather in Caucaia is bipolar because one minute it's hot as hades and the next minute fog rolls in and it's cold and rainy. Ok, done talking about the weather.
This week we marked Marcelly for baptism. Let me tell you about Marcelly. She's awesome. The sisters found her by accident during an exchange. They were trying to find another person who lived nearby and asked her if she knew where the person lived. She didn't but the sisters asked if they could share a message and she said yes. Turns out her husband is a less active member and is excited to come back to church. They're great. And God truly showed his hand in leading us to them.
That's really all for this week. Here's some pictures finally. Thank you for all your prayers, they truly help!
Sister Lockhart
"I spy with my little eye two gringos..."